Growing every day...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 30, 2011

19 Months!

I have been telling myself every day to update this blog and I always forget to do it. AND when I sit down to actually do it I can't remember all the stuff I wanted to put in it! I will try to do my best...

Kaitlyn is now 19 months old! Time is just flying by! She is so much fun right now. Kaitlyn likes to play quietly with her toys by herself sometimes, she likes to line up her little people and then put them in their house and then pull them out to look at them again. She LOVES to color, about a week ago it was all you would hear in our house. COLOR COLOR COLOR like a parrot. This past week she has been more interested in her baby dolls, putting them into the stroller and out of the stroller. Shaun also gave her my old Coach purse, the little one, and she LOVES it. She is putting everything and anything she can find into her purse then out of the purse. One of her favorite past times is to put her purse on the stroller handle and then tell me that it's stuck and freak out until I make take it off the stroller and give it back to her. She has gotten better at getting it off the handle herself as the week has progressed. Kaitlyn still loves to talk on her phones, she likes to dance and has recently started to sing (more on this in a bit). Minnie Mouse is her favorite character of the moment through Dora and Diego are still a staple. New shows that Kaitlyn likes are Little Einsteins (she likes to pat, pat, pat to help rev up rocket and to blast off, it's really funny) and Chuggington.

Kaitlyn is like a parrot, anything you say she will try to repeat back to you. She has repeated the names for all family members, the other night Shaun was taking Kaitlyn to my parents and he asked her "Do you want to go see Neeno?" Kaitlyn answered "and Poppy". Mommy and Daddy are frequent words around our house these days. She will repeat colors but doesn't know them if you ask her what color something is. She knows most of her body parts: fingers, toes, arms, legs, knees, feet, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, belly, belly button, bottom. Kaitlyn will count with you and has a pretty good grasp on 1 -10 she will tell you the next number up to 10 then she will repeat you up to 20. We haven't tried to go any higher yet. Kaitlyn has started to sing along, she still does the EIEIO part of Old MacDonald but she is also sings ring around the Rosy (and spins around and falls down) and twinkle twinkle, she starts to sing her ABCs and if you are singing with her and stop she will keep going. She doesn't really say all the letters but hums/sings something that sounds pretty close. When we are in the car Kaitlyn will sing along to the radio, some of these I am ashamed to admit but it's the truth so here we go. She likes anything that has repetitive sounds so Katy Perry Firework, Rhiannon What's my name?, Ke$ha we r who we r, and most recently Bruno Mars Grenade. The Bruno Mars song was a surprise this week, Kaitlyn would start to sing the next line before it started, it wasn't words it was like she was humming or saying la la la but the tone and pitch were right. She really loves music! Kaitlyn is also starting to recognize her friends, when we went to playgroup a few weeks ago Kaitlyn said "Eee'Ah" when we pulled up. Adorable!

Bed time has changed to 9pm. Around Christmas Kaitlyn started to stay up late and now it's a battle if we try to get her in bed before 8. So we just let her stay up because it's more time to play with her and love on her after work. She has been going down pretty easy and has been sleeping really soundly through the night since her eye teeth have come in. She has given up her milk before bed over the past week. There have been a couple days recently when I have had to wake Kaitlyn up (which wasn't easy) to get her ready for "school".

Kaitlyn has been very interested in her potty! At Faye's Kaitlyn will go on the potty 2 or 3 times, we try to get her to go at home and most of the time we have been able to get her to go in the morning or when we notice that she has a dry diaper. She is starting to understand that Mommy and Daddy are proud when she goes on the potty. Today we drove to the beach to help my mom move some boxes into the house, when we got there Kaitlyn was dry so I held her on the big potty and she went and then she went again before we left. I am so proud of her she is really getting it. I don't think she is really ready yet but the time is coming!

Kaitlyn has been more interested in movies lately. She really like Beauty and the Beast and has sat through most of the little mermaid and watched despicable me with Mike and Jen tonight.

Kaitlyn is an amazing little girl and I love her so much. She is so much fun! We are taking her back to the little gym starting on Monday and Kaitlyn and Eva are enrolled in soccer this spring, it should be so cute!