Growing every day...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 27, 2010

18 months

Kaitlyn had her 18 month appointment today.

She is

31" tall
21.2 pounds
and her head is 19"

She is still such a little peanut!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First Haircut

Kaitlyn's first haircut was today! Just a trim to even out her scragglies. Thanks to Karen @ Pagave. She is the best!

Pictues to come

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New York, New York

We took Kaitlyn to New York for the first time today. We drove to the Metro Park in NJ and then took a train over. Kaitlyn loved the train rides and the subway. She made A LOT of friends! Who says New Yorkers are grumpy and mean, so many people offered us their seats on the subway because of her.

We went to Ground Zero, passed by central park and the plaza, FAO Shwartz, the Disney store, times square, the m&m store, rockafeller center, s'mac (they have kinds of mac & cheese)for dinner with Auntie Oriana. Then we headed for home.

Shaun got to see the tree lit and I got to go to times square. We know Kaitlyn was too little to remember this trip but Shaun and I made alot of memories today that we will never forget!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kaitlyn's new things

Kaitlyn is 17 months old. She is busy busy busy and into everything. She is playing with her toys more and will stay entertained for awhile on her own which is great for getting stuff done around the house. She will play with her beads forever, and is still into her baby dolls and coloring! Everytime she sees a peice of paper she starts to say color, color, color. She pats the ground and says here, she wants you to sit and color with her. She will share her crayons with you. Shaun is pretty sure she said her first sentence the other day which was "can I color?".

Kaitlyn can repeat alot of what you say and mimic your tone. New things come out of her mouth every day! She is getting better at peoples names and now when she is crying you can ask her what she wants or what is wrong and she will answer you yes or no. She is addicted to Lollipops or "pops" and M&M's which we have started to call "mores" because Kaitlyn will stant there and point to them and sign and say, more more more. She is all about chicken nuggets, we bought her dino nuggets from BJs and she will shovel them in. It's amazing how much she eats sometimes.

Kaitlyn is getting very good at her animal sounds she knows cat, cow, pig, duck, sheep, dog (she pants instead of saying woof), lion, bear, horse and mouse. She is really enjoying putting things together and taking them apart like her beads and blocks.

We are not sure what Kaitlyn will do this christmas. At friendsmas on Friday Mike & Andrea brought Kaitlyn some presents and she took forever to unwrap them. She pulled off one peice of paper at a time and then took it to the trash can. This could be a VERY long christmas! Kaitlyn did a very good job of sharing at friendsmas. Dante was here and we got to meet little Vinny, and Joey G was here as well. Kaitlyn shared all of her toys and showed them to the boys. She was excellent! Alot better then I expected. OH that reminds me of Friendsgiving, Eva came down to friendsgiving which was at the beach this year so we could enjoy the new completed addition upstairs. When Matt & Jane left with Eva Kaitlyn pointed at the door and just cried because her friend left. it was ADORABLE!

Kaitlyn went to her first movie today. Mommy took her to see Tangled, she was very good for the first 45 mins. The movie was VERY cute but i think it was too new Kaitlyn wanted to play with the aisle lights and causing problems. She seemed very confused about the giant screen. She was better then I expected though. I think that if Shaun and I had both been there it would have been easier to keep her in a seat and watching the movie. Or if it was a Dora or Diego movie she would have sat mezmerized for the whole thing!

Kaitlyn has moved on from Handy Manny and is obsessed with Dora and Diego, she will say both of their names when the show comes on and she rolls her R's when she says Dora it's funny! She did the funiest happy dance the other day when i put on Micky Mouse Club house for her and can point out Minnie Mouse and tell you who she is. She likes Chuggington as well, she really likes Choo Choos.

This year will be Kaitlyn's second christmas. She is more aware of the decorations this year, we put up the tree while she was asleep one night and she came down the next morning and when she saw the tree she rubbed her eyes got a very confused look on her face. She pointed to the tree and looked back at me and asked "tree?". It was too cute. I bought her a Little People Santa set, so she would hopefully recognize Santa. She does recognize him and can point him out in books or toys or on tv. When we took her to see him she waved and pointed and said Santa. I tried to put her on his lap and she lost it! Tears and screaming. The picture is AWESOME! We also took Kaitlyn on the Santa Express with Joey, Shannon & Russ. She loved the train and looked out the window the whole time (I think she liked being able to look out while we were moving instead of being strapped into a car seat). She and Joey had a great time until Santa came to see us, she freaked out again. Poor little Kaitlyn. Hopefully next year she will like him. We are going to try to leave cookies out for Santa this year more for the pictures then for her to understand it. I can't wait for Christmas, I think she is going to be so cute.

That's all for now, more to come soon!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Kaitlyn is now 16 months old.

She is talking more, both baby babble and actual talking. She will answer most yes and know questions. Do you want some juice? No, Do you want milk? Yes. Do you want to go to bed? Yeah and she heads up the stairs. Do you want more grapes? Yes. Do you want this book? No. This book? Yes

She sings some songs, twinkle twinkle, old macdonald, hop up jump in from Handy Manny. She LOVES to dance. Sometimes I think she is going to loose her mind she has such a good time dancing to the themes for Dora, Word World and Go Diego Go. She likes to dance to almost any music that comes on.

She has been paying very close attention to tv lately. She will sit and just watch a show, where before she would get bored after awhile. She listens to what they are doing on the show too. For example, yesterday she was watching dora and they were saying Shake Shake shake and she was doing the same thing they were doing on tv. She is a very smart little girl.

We are getting better with her paci. She doesn't use it for most of the day, she only really needs it if she gets upset about something or is getting ready to take a nap. I am currently working on getting Kaitlyn to leave her paci in her bed so that she doesn't see it all day and therefor doesn't miss it. So far it's working out well.

Kaitlyn knows the difference between the dogs now, she can point out Dilion, Tyler and Bailey. She loves to give them hugs but doesn't always love the kisses that she gets back. She is getting alot better with petting gently and loving on the dogs. They love their Kaitlyn too.

Kaitlyn now has a real pillow in her bed instead of a boppy. She seems to like it and doesn't miss her boppy. We got her a little travel pillow, it's very sweet to see she snuggles up and falls right to sleep.

Kaitlyn will give you kisses and hugs and blow kisses. She waves hello and good bye. She says HI, bye, when you aske her to say night night she says bye bye. She says dis (this) and dat (that), yes, no, pop (lollipop), kitty kat, woof (dog), she will say boo, moo and quack, choo choo. She says something that sounds like Peek-a-boo and very clearly says I see you. She will mimick alot of things you say including I love you. Which is my personal favorite.

Kaitlyn is growing up very quickly. She loves to play with her baby dolls and pat them and feed them and push them in the stroller. She likes to play with little people and this weekend started to play with choo choos and ask for them. She still loves her kitchen and books. She is starting to like puzles and loves the ball with the shapes that fit inside.

I think I say this every time I update but Kaitlyn is very smart and super sweet! I love that little girl!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Almost 16 months

Tonight as I was putting Kaitlyn to bed she carried her baby to bed, tried to change the babies diaper as I changed hers. Put the baby on her boppy, patted her, cover with a blanket and said “night baby”.

Kaitlyn is such a big girl now! She will be 16 months old next week. She is doing some very fun things; she really understands what we are saying. Shaun was cleaning the basement and she brought him a roll of paper towel, so he told her to bring them all over and put them in a certain spot and she did. She will put things back or put them away, she will go get things you tell her to get. This week she really likes talking on the phone and will talk on any phone and carry it around with her. When she wakes up in the morning she wants to put on my swim cap and goggles which are on my nightstand because I was swimming for a while (it is pretty funny to see).

Kaitlyn has started to tackle her friends; Faye said that she is the bully at daycare which is not good. She grabs Nathan by the shirt and shakes him and yells at him. She fully body tackles Giada. The other day at play group Kaitlyn looked like she was going to hug Eva and then jumped on her! We are going to have to work on being nice to our friends!

Kaitlyn has a play group every other week with some friends that we meet at the Little Gym. Eva and her mom Jane, Ethan and his mom Kelly, Lana and her mom Becky. We have a lot of fun when we go over there and it’s nice to talk to other moms. I am really enjoying spending time with them.

Kaitlyn has almost all of her teeth, her k9s are starting to come in on the top, she has all her top teeth and all 4 molars, she doesn’t have a few teeth on the bottom but I think they might be on their way in as well. I feel like a bad mom sometimes when people ask how many teeth she has and I can’t tell them the answer. It makes her so mad when you try to look at her teeth that she screams and screams so I would rather have a happy baby then know how many teeth she has.

Kaitlyn has gone #1 and #2 on the potty. It was just a coincidence both times that she did it. I noticed that her diaper was dry when I was going to the bathroom so I would sit her on her little pink potty as I went to the bathroom and she has gone. She does like to sit on the potty she is very cute about it. She will learn eventually, no rush but I think that it’s good to give her a chance to go.

She is very happy to see me when I come home from work and likes me to pick me up so she can show me all kinds of things around the house. She has become obsessed with lollipops and knows where we keep them and throws a fit while pointing to them if you don’t give her one.

Kaitlyn is eating all "adult" food or table food, she is done with bottles and drinks out of sippy cups. She isn't the biggest fan of milk but she drinks it before bed and when she wakes up at night, sometimes in the morning. She isn't sleeping through the night consistently but will go back to sleep after some milk. She still has her paci but if you tell her "Kaitlyn give me the paci you are a big girl, big girls don't need paci's" she will give it to you and walk away to go play. She only "needs" it to go to sleep, I am thinking when she is a little older we will try the put the paci's a basket for the paci fairy to take them to babies who need them idea, but i think we are ok for now.

Kaitlyn LOVES to dance. She loves music and noise she is so funny to watch dance and "get down" do her music.

She is saying Mommy, Daddy, bottle, bubble, apple, doggie (comes out dought de), wee when she she comes down the slide, hi, bye, night night, and baby on a constant basis. She will wave and tell you bye bye before she goes to bed. She is a good girl and learning alot everyday.

Kaitlyn is such a big girl now! I can’t believe how fast time has flown by! I know we have many more milestones and wonderful firsts and great memories and I can’t wait to be there for all of them!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our Baby is a Big Girl

Kaitlyn has been up to a lot recently. She really has become such a big girl!

She is very helpful, she will follow directions. Put this back, give this to daddy, give Bailey a kiss, pick that up please, lets clean up etc. She understands so much. Shaun and I had a conversation last weekend about when we will have to start watching what we say around her so she doesn't repeat it to the wrong person. I can see it now XX mommy and daddy said your a punk. Can't wait for that...(SARCASM). Kaitlyn has been VERY talkative recently. She will talk all day and sometimes just wants to stand there and tell you all about it.

Kaitlyn has moved to a big girl bed over the last two weeks. She has done OK. I know she fell out one night because I heard THUD...CRY. The first week was very easy because she didn't realize she could get out once we put her to bed. This week has been more challenging, you put her in the bed, tell her night night, leave the room and you immediately hear feet hit the ground and crying heading toward the door. I think that teething and not feeling good has played a large part in her not falling asleep/staying asleep as well. But she knows that if she is out of bed and crying we come right into the room, so she uses it to her advantage. Shaun decided to move her to the big girl bed because she is really starting to climb on things and he was afraid she would climb out of bed.

I think my favorite big girl bed story so far was one morning this week Shaun had to get up early to go to a meeting. We ran out of toilet paper in our bathroom and there was none in the hall closet, knowing there was extra in Kaitlyn's bathroom Shaun decided to sneak into the bathroom and get some. He snuck into the room, into the bathroom, shut the bathroom door, turned on the light, got the TP, turned off the light, opened the bathroom door and there is Kaitlyn standing in front of the door looking up at him with the "what do you think you are doing" face. I can only imagine how funny it was to actually be there!

Shaun also turned Kaitlyn's car seat around, so now she is facing forward. She seems to enjoy it, she can see out the window a little bit better and we can talk to her when we turn around. I have a hard time seeing her in my rear view mirror (I think it's because I am so short) I really have to angle it down if I want to see her. Shaun says she dances in her car seat on the way home sometimes. (More on dancing later). Kaitlyn is very good in the car she is pretty content to sit and look out the window. She likes to take her shoes off while we are driving as well, mommies girl!

Kaitlyn is starting to show us all that she has learned. She will sing songs with you. When you sing Old MacDonald she says "E-I-E-I-E" she will woof like the dog and say quack quack for the duck. Sometimes she will do something that resembles a moo. She really likes reading books with animals and making the noises. She will say Kit Cat when we get to Faye's in the morning and point to the cats. She also waves and says Hi to dogs and cats on tv, which is really funny. This weekend Kaitlyn started to spin in circles and sometimes "fall down" when you sing ring around the rosey to her.

Kaitlyn LOVES to dance. She swings her arms, shakes her butt, spins around, wiggles, moves her feet, bounces, squats, sways and claps to the music. I tried to get some good video tonight but she was more interested in the video camera then dancing at that point. You can ask her "Kaitlyn do you want to dance", and she will start dancing right away no music necessary. She does have her favorite songs though. Currently her favorite jams are OMG by Usher, Who let the dogs out, Dynamite by Tao Cruz, and she still loves Follow the Leader by the Soka Boys, but she will "get jiggy" to almost anything.

Other things that Kaitlyn has been doing. She will make you food in her kitchen, she stirs the pot and then feeds it to herself and says UUUMMMM, she also feeds her babies and will share with you if you ask. She pushes her babies around in the little stroller (she is determined when she wants to go somewhere she will find out a way to get around that corner or through that door or through the gate with her stroller). She hugs and kisses her babies and will pat their backs, very cute. She loves playing with her "Little People" she has a school that Eva gave her for her birthday, I was amazed the other day when she put the people in the merry go round and then moved them into the desks, she gets them to fit in the circles where they go with no trouble. It's amazing. We now have a play group of kiddos from the Little Gym, we have our second play date this week.

Kaitlyn is very determined, when she wants to do something she does it! She will throw a mini fit if it doesn't go her way but then takes her time and tries again. Neeno thinks Kaitlyn is going to be an engineer. She is very interested in how things work. She likes to open and shut things, looks at the screws, bolts, connections, figure out how it opens, shuts, folds, fits, feels etc. Sometimes you can see on her face, what happens if I do this. She is such a little explorer.

It is very surreal to look at pictures of Kaitlyn when she was just born and only a few months old and look at how much she has grown and changed. It's already hard to believe she was ever that small when you see a newborn! I had to put away most of her 12 month clothes because she is too long in the torso so they are really stretching to cover her or the head holes were too small and she would SCREAM when you were trying to get them on and off.

Kaitlyn still likes her bath time. She likes the pool (as long as it's not too cold) either her little one in the back yard or a big pool. We took her out on the boat a few weeks ago and while she hated her life jacket she didn't mind the noise of the boat. I can't wait to take her to the beach next week for vacation!

Kaitlyn is growing up so fast! Every smile is precious she won't be this little for long! She is so much fun!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pictures from the trip to Ohio

Kaitlyn and Daddy at the Splash Park in Ohio.

Click the picture below to view the whole album

July 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What does the Doggie say?

Kaitlyn is starting to really interact with the world around her. She picks up on little things that you tell her and ask her. She understands little things, like "can you bring that to mommy", "Show daddy the ducky" and she will do it.

The newest things are:
Kaitlyn what does a doggie say? She will make a noise like blowing air that is definitely "woof woof".
She will also mimic the inflection in your voice and copy you when you say "I love you". Just about melted my heart tonight when Shaun and Kaitlyn did a demonstration tonight.

Our little girl is AWESOME!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Baby's First Road Trip

Kaitlyn went on her first real road trip this 4th of July. We went to Ohio to visit some family that I haven't seen in about 9 or 10 years. It was really nice to get to see all of them and to let Kaitlyn get to know her Mommom Betty & Poppop Fred. Poppop Fred was her BUDDY! She would randomly wander into his office and climb into his lap where they would talk and talk.

Kaitlyn did very well on the 9 hour drive! We had snacks and drinks and DVDs to keep her entertained and we left after dinner on the way out so she slept most of the ride. We left around 4 on the way back which was a little rough because Kaitlyn was awake for more of the ride, she was also very congested and didn't sleep very well. Overall she did very well and is no worse for the wear.

The 4th of July was right we went to Cousin Kathy's farm and got to go on hayride, see the cows babies and all. See the bunny and lots of cats and swim in the pool. Kaitlyn is such a good girl she really just goes with the flow in any situation we throw her into!

Thanks to everyone who made this trip what it was. I would like to do this trip again when Kaitlyn is old enough to remember. Shaun and I had a great time too!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Check up

Kaitlyn had her one year check up on Tuesday she is 18lbs 14oz, 28 3/4
inches and her head is 18".

She only "grew" 3/4 of an inch so we had to measure her twice they
think they might have measured wrong last time because she was so tall
and grew 2 inches from her 6 month check up. That was the only big

She is 10-25% in weight 25-50% in height and her head is in the
50-70%. Dr. V says she is fine very well proportioned.

We can start giving her whole milk, she can have honey and if there
are times when she doesn't want to eat as her growth slows down that
is fine.

Kaitlyn is saying hi, uh-oh, no, mama, dada, sit down, dis (this as
she points), dat (that when pointing), she copies what you say dog,
tree etc but hasn't started to say them on her own. She has started to
say something that sounds like apple or abba not sure what that is.

She is running everywhere and has started to climb things and knows to
turn around and go backwards when getting down. She's getting so big
and so smart! She plays with her toys really well and likes for us to
play with her.

She is so awesome! Love that little monkey!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!

Happy Birthday big girl! We love you very much and we are very happy that you came into our lives. You make us smile everyday and you fill our lives with laughter. We are so proud to have cute little adorable you as our daughter. Happy Birthday sweetheart! I know you don't understand all of the singing and fuss now but someday you will be able to see how special you are and have been since the say we first saw your little face. You have grown so much but no matter what you will always be my little baby! I love you from the bottoms of your pudgy little feet to the top of your head (where the hair is starting to curl)!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27th - thinking back

A year ago today I was going to bed with my bags packed, in the morning I would be waiting for a call from the hospital to let me know if I could come in to be induced...we all know what happened that day! Kaitlyn Raegan was born and turned our lives upside did we ever live without her? She has been here a whole year already. She was so tiny when she was born, and has really only gained 11 pounds since then but she is SO big! My little baby has turned into a full fledged toddler, she gets into everything, has a temper and a mind of her own. She is my little munchkin and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world!

Happy 1st Birthday Kaitlyn! I love you so much!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kaitlyn's First Birthday Party

We had Kaitlyn's First Birthday Party today! She was such a good girl! We had her party at Bellevue State Park, which was both a blessing a curse. On one had I didn't have to clean the house and worry about messes and clean up. On the other hand I had to pack EVERYTHING and take it to the park!

We had about 60 people there all family and friends. It was so nice to see everyone and hang out. Kaitlyn stayed awake the whole time until the very end when she passed out in her Grammy's arms.

Kaitlyn was really fun to watch as she went about her business hanging out with everyone, we had fun visiting with Eva, Leah and Baylee. Shannon made us some wonderful cupcakes. Award for farthest travel goes to the newly engaged Karen & Neil. It was a fantastic but very hot day. Special thanks to everyone who came out and joined in the fun.
Kaitlyn had so many presents, clothes and toys galore. She is a very lucky girl to be loved by so many people!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Big Bug Graduation

Kaitlyn graduated from her Bugs class at the little gym today! She is now officially a Bird. She has been so cute in these classes and it's great to see her playing with kids her own age and younger. She is really funny. Poppop even came to class today to see her running around and playing. Shaun came to take pictures. They sing a song at the end of every class that says "Bye - Bye Big Bugs it's time to go on home" and I almost started to cry. She's not a Big Bug anymore!

I am very thankful for this class. I have been able to get to know some of the other mom's in the class and watching their girls grow as well. I am sad that Olivia is still going to be a Bug this summer, I will miss her curious eyes as she watches Kaitlyn and the other babies. Natalie will be going to the Friday class which means we won't see her as much anymore, I will miss her funny faces as she tries to keep up with the bigger kids.

Kaitlyn still has her Eva for class on Monday's! Other then daycare Eva really is Kaitlyn's first friend!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Big Girl

We spent a few hours packing up some of Kaitlyn's baby stuff and putting it away in the attic this weekend. She isn't a little baby anymore! We put away the swing, play yard, car seat carrier and bases, bouncy seat, bumbo and her jumperoo. All stuff she could still use but you really have to watch her because she tries to climb out of and off of everything and I am just so afraid she is going to hurt herself on something. Not to mention we need to spread out her toys a bit and put some stuff in her room that will keep her entertained!

26 more days and my baby will be a one year old!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Baby Bling

Kaitlyn now has some Baby Bling!

We got her ears pierced tonight after we had her 11 month pictures taken. I have been wanting to do this for awhile but I was too scared to do it, I knew Kaitlyn wouldn't remember and would recover quickly but I was afraid I would start crying.

I mentioned to Shaun while we were eating dinner that I wanted to stop at one of the places in the mall to see how much it would cost. His reply was this would be a great time to just do it because Kaitlyn is already on antibiotics. So that was it decision made.

Kaitlyn did really well, she was a little squirmy in the chair when Shaun was trying to hold her to get the "dots" put on her ears. Shaun had to use one hand to hold both her hands down and then hold her back with the other hand against her forehead. She KICKED when the lady did the first one and started to gulp in air, the second one started the first wail. I looked up and there was a mother and daughter walking by they both had the "oooo" poor baby look on their faces. While her cries were very sad the panting quick screams kind of wail, she calmed down pretty quick. She was squirmy and got mad at me when I tried to clean them before bed but all in all not as bad as I thought it would be.

She has really cute little 14K white gold studs with little CZ's. They are really cute! Now we just have to clean them twice a day for awhile, hopefully she will get used to it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Give Kisses

Kaitlyn will give me kisses now. She comes at me with an open mouth and kind of licks me but it's cute!

Love that little girl!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Another Tooth

Kaitlyn got another tooth today! I think it's the top right if you are looking at her...BUT it's hard to tell becuase she won't let me look at it! HA HA.

She's a lean mean food chewing machine now!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Curls and Stairs

Kaitlyn's hair is getting longer, when her hair drys she has one curls behind each ear. She looks like a munchkin from the wizard of oz but it's really really cute.

This weekend Kaitlyn discovered that she can climb the stairs. Today she climbed all the way to the top, with some encouragement from Mommy. But she did it herself, she was so proud. Cute lil bugger! Now she just has to figure out how to get back down without scaring herself!

We are very lucky, Kaitlyn is a very good baby. She takes a little time to get warmed up to people and comfortable with her surroundings but she is a very happy baby no matter where we take her these days. She went from 9:30am-3:30pm with no nap while at an ACS event and she just crawled and walked around. She was happy the whole time laughing at people and smiling. We are very lucky to have such a sweet baby girl!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another Ear Infection

Kaitlyn has another ear infection...after a fairly bad night. She had a fever of 101.4 in the middle of the night. I am afraid that she got mommys ears and will have to get tubes in her ears sooner or later. The doctor says she has to have 4 or more ear infections within 6 months before they would send us to an ENT doctor. This is her 4th total ear infection but the last was in December so technically she is up to 3...but by the time we get to her recovered from this one there isn't time for her to get a 4th. We shall see. Poor sick Katie Lynn.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Kaitlyn is officially walking! She still prefers to crawl if she needs to get there fast but...she is walking. She does pretty well when she has something in both hands or is trying to get something. It's really cute when she just wanders around the house checking things out from her new stand point. The farthest she has gone is about 13 steps but she will stand up in the middle of the room and just walk away. I'm so proud of my little girl.

On a side note, Kaitlyn is doing really well playing by herself. She will play in her "play room/area" alone without freaking out and screaming until you go sit with her. She is growing up so fast. She knows how to work her ball popper, how to turn it on and that the balls have to go back in it. She is too funny!

Friday, May 14, 2010

A mind of her own

Kaitlyn really has a mind of her own. Not only does she tell you Uh-oh when she drops something or is doing something she shouldn't be, she has started to tell you Nah. Currently it's her word of choice, I can't tell if she actually is trying to say no but if you ask her "Kaitlyn come here" Nah, "Kaitlyn let go" Nah. It's pretty funny.

She has also started holding on! For example she loves to get my keys out of my purse and when I try to take them from her she will hold them down in her lap and won't let go. Sometimes she will tell me Nah. She gets really upset when you take it from her. She is a trip!

I don't know when you would actually say this is Kaitlyn First word....she has said a couple of things but hasn't really repeated them as if she really knew what she was saying. She has been babbling since she was about 6 months old and will string syllables together but I don't know if you could really could any of that as saying DaDa or Dad because she doesn't repeat it.

Things Kaitlyn has said -
Ba Ba (then grabbed her bottle - she only did this once)
Neeno (she said it today twice clear as day, when I tried to get her to go it later she wouldn't)
This (Dis)
Yes (yesh)
Yuck (uck)

I would say her real first word and knowing what it means is Uh-oh. Though I am sure that Shaun would argue her first word is DaDa.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 Steps!

Kaitlyn took 2 steps by herself tonight! Here we go!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Crawling for a Cure!

Kaitlyn's first Relay For Life...


You may have seen me at a Relay meeting or two, that is because my daddy works for the American Cancer Society. I sometimes go to the Relay meetings and I learn lots of things about the fight against cancer. I also get inspired to be just like the kids on the committee when I grow up!

In the mean time I can FIGHT BACK against cancer by asking you to make a donation. I mean really, how can you say no to me:-)

If you make a donation of $20 or more I will send you an autographed picture of myself, and yes before you ask I'm pretty handy with a crayon!

It is because of the work that my daddy and all the other ACS staff and volunteers do that more people will STAY WELL and GET WELL.

I know we will FIND A CURE in my lifetime, especially with your help! I want to make sure I don't loose any family to this awful disease!

Thank you for any help you can provide, even if all you do is share my message!

Look for me on the University of Delaware Relay For Life Committee in 2027!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Uh-oh, Clapping, High Five, Peek a Boo and Waving

So many new things this week!

Monday Kaitlyn threw her paci out of her crib as Shaun walked into the room. He looked at her and said "uh-oh". Kaitlyn said "Ah - ah" with the correct inflection so it sounded like uh-oh. It was so cute. We have been saying it to her all week and now it's really starting to sound like Uh-Oh. She drops something or gets into something she knows shes not supposed to and she says Uh-oh!

Kaitlyn really figured out clapping this week. She will clap for anything!!!!

We are still working on this one but at the moment, when you say High Five Kaitlyn will reach over and touch your hand. It really makes her laugh when you make a noise and move toward her hand. It's getting there!

Peek a boo...Kaitlyn has gotten to the point where she will pick up a blanket and hold it in front of her. She waits for you to say "Where's Kaitlyn?" and then she puts the blanket down and just SMILES. Then the blanket goes up again! Sometimes I think its more about her arms being up in the air because sometimes you can see her behind the blanket or toy she is holding up. Huge smile and all!

We are really getting somewhere with waving now! She is doing the open and close hand but it faces her, like she's waving at herself. I think that all kids do that. Either way it's really cute when she waves hello or goodbye!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Kaitlyn is cruising. She is doing very well moving around her crib, along tables and couches, in her play room etc when holding on. She is really funny sometimes.

Today she has been standing up on her own for the first time and letting go of what she was holding on to. She does really well at catching her balance and staying on her feet.

While this new stage is pretty neat and fun to watch it has caused alot more falling down and knocking of head into various objects. Poor little girl!

** Side Note - We have the location for Kaitlyn's Birthday Party! Whoo hoo **

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happpy Easter

Happy Easter!!
Check out Kaitlyn's haul! The Easter Bunny spoiled a certain little girl that I know!
Kaitlyn got her wobbly penguin, her busy ball blower, giant sheep, and her basket with puffs, curls and biscuits, bug teether, giraffe animal blanket, hair clips and lots of bath toys.
Check out her face when she was looking at the basket. Too funny, it was almost like she was saying "all of this is for me"?? HA!
After all of the fun playing with the new toys both downstairs and in the bath tub. We went to Mommom & Poppop's for Easter Dinner with family. Lot's of Love for Kaitlyn on her first easter.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Little Gym

I have been taking Kaitlyn to the little gym. I need to get someone to come and take pictures of her so I can put some on here. It has been really nice! It's good to see her interact with other babies and kids. She is really talkative and likes to dance and crawl all over the place. Her little friends at the gym are Natalie, Tersla, Ryan, Anthony, and Ava just joined our class. Shaun tries to take her to the additional class for her age group on Friday's but hasn't been able to go too many times. She really likes to go and she especially likes the parallel bars and flipping over the bars. Not to mention all of the fun flips and things we have learned to do with her!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello Mr Bunny

Kaitlyn met the Easter Bunny tonight. She is too stinking cute!! She didn't even make a rotten face, she just laughed and smiled.
As we get ready for Kaitlyn's first should see her easter basket!!

9 months

Kaitlyn is now 9 months old. We went to the doctor today so I decided to update everyone on her measurements...

Height 28" 70%
Weight 17.1 20%
Head Circumference 17.5" 65%

Dr Vitale confirmed it, Kaitlyn is tall and skinny but healthy! He said to keep doing what we are doing because she's doing great!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Playing at the Park

We took Kaitlyn to Bellevue today. The weather was amazing for March!! We took her on the swings and on the slides. She was really funny. Laughing like crazy on the swings and enjoying the "bumps" going down the big slide. She really is such a happy baby. We are really lucky. I love my baby girl!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Crawled!

Kaitlyn has officially crawled her first few...crawls? She was really good at the army crawl and then she started pushing herself backwards into walls and things. Today I watched her go forward about 4 little crawling movements until she flopped on her belly and did the army crawl to get there faster!

She has also started to really pull herself up to things as well. And this morning when I went into her room to get her she was sitting up in her bed looking at me! She is getting so big!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kaitlyn's First Tooth

We discovered today that Kaitlyn's first tooth is on it's way out. When you feel her gums you can feel one little hard bump of her first tooth. Bottom front tooth on her left side. I wonder when i will pop all the way out?!

On another note...I think Kaitlyn is allergic to apricots. Random yes, we were told to try all kinds of food therefore if gerber makes it Kaitlyn eats it. I gave her apricot medley this morning with breakfast (around 8:30 am) and when we got to the doctors for her ear infection follow up appointment I noticed what might have been a spotchy red rash around her belly. I thought if might have been from the way i was carrying her into the exam room but it's still there and on her back tonight. Hopefully it will go away soon. I am going to go research rashes and see if that's what caused the rash. Who knows.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Kaitlyn's first swim class was today. The class is really an introduction to water with lots of singing and moving around in the water. It's really cute. She was so good! No crying and not even a "what are you doing to me" face. She seemed to enjoy it! I can't wait until next week!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Six Months

Kaitlyn is Six Months Old! It has gone by so fast! She is really starting to respond to the world around her she smiles, laughs and furrows her brow when she is watching something intently. She is sitting up on her own and doing better when she is on her tummy, she wiggles alot but isn't quite sure what crawling is all about yet. She is starting to sleep through the night better and likes to sleep on her side hugging a blanket. She has started to babble alot and says Dadadadadadada all the time. We are working on Mama next!