Growing every day...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our Baby is a Big Girl

Kaitlyn has been up to a lot recently. She really has become such a big girl!

She is very helpful, she will follow directions. Put this back, give this to daddy, give Bailey a kiss, pick that up please, lets clean up etc. She understands so much. Shaun and I had a conversation last weekend about when we will have to start watching what we say around her so she doesn't repeat it to the wrong person. I can see it now XX mommy and daddy said your a punk. Can't wait for that...(SARCASM). Kaitlyn has been VERY talkative recently. She will talk all day and sometimes just wants to stand there and tell you all about it.

Kaitlyn has moved to a big girl bed over the last two weeks. She has done OK. I know she fell out one night because I heard THUD...CRY. The first week was very easy because she didn't realize she could get out once we put her to bed. This week has been more challenging, you put her in the bed, tell her night night, leave the room and you immediately hear feet hit the ground and crying heading toward the door. I think that teething and not feeling good has played a large part in her not falling asleep/staying asleep as well. But she knows that if she is out of bed and crying we come right into the room, so she uses it to her advantage. Shaun decided to move her to the big girl bed because she is really starting to climb on things and he was afraid she would climb out of bed.

I think my favorite big girl bed story so far was one morning this week Shaun had to get up early to go to a meeting. We ran out of toilet paper in our bathroom and there was none in the hall closet, knowing there was extra in Kaitlyn's bathroom Shaun decided to sneak into the bathroom and get some. He snuck into the room, into the bathroom, shut the bathroom door, turned on the light, got the TP, turned off the light, opened the bathroom door and there is Kaitlyn standing in front of the door looking up at him with the "what do you think you are doing" face. I can only imagine how funny it was to actually be there!

Shaun also turned Kaitlyn's car seat around, so now she is facing forward. She seems to enjoy it, she can see out the window a little bit better and we can talk to her when we turn around. I have a hard time seeing her in my rear view mirror (I think it's because I am so short) I really have to angle it down if I want to see her. Shaun says she dances in her car seat on the way home sometimes. (More on dancing later). Kaitlyn is very good in the car she is pretty content to sit and look out the window. She likes to take her shoes off while we are driving as well, mommies girl!

Kaitlyn is starting to show us all that she has learned. She will sing songs with you. When you sing Old MacDonald she says "E-I-E-I-E" she will woof like the dog and say quack quack for the duck. Sometimes she will do something that resembles a moo. She really likes reading books with animals and making the noises. She will say Kit Cat when we get to Faye's in the morning and point to the cats. She also waves and says Hi to dogs and cats on tv, which is really funny. This weekend Kaitlyn started to spin in circles and sometimes "fall down" when you sing ring around the rosey to her.

Kaitlyn LOVES to dance. She swings her arms, shakes her butt, spins around, wiggles, moves her feet, bounces, squats, sways and claps to the music. I tried to get some good video tonight but she was more interested in the video camera then dancing at that point. You can ask her "Kaitlyn do you want to dance", and she will start dancing right away no music necessary. She does have her favorite songs though. Currently her favorite jams are OMG by Usher, Who let the dogs out, Dynamite by Tao Cruz, and she still loves Follow the Leader by the Soka Boys, but she will "get jiggy" to almost anything.

Other things that Kaitlyn has been doing. She will make you food in her kitchen, she stirs the pot and then feeds it to herself and says UUUMMMM, she also feeds her babies and will share with you if you ask. She pushes her babies around in the little stroller (she is determined when she wants to go somewhere she will find out a way to get around that corner or through that door or through the gate with her stroller). She hugs and kisses her babies and will pat their backs, very cute. She loves playing with her "Little People" she has a school that Eva gave her for her birthday, I was amazed the other day when she put the people in the merry go round and then moved them into the desks, she gets them to fit in the circles where they go with no trouble. It's amazing. We now have a play group of kiddos from the Little Gym, we have our second play date this week.

Kaitlyn is very determined, when she wants to do something she does it! She will throw a mini fit if it doesn't go her way but then takes her time and tries again. Neeno thinks Kaitlyn is going to be an engineer. She is very interested in how things work. She likes to open and shut things, looks at the screws, bolts, connections, figure out how it opens, shuts, folds, fits, feels etc. Sometimes you can see on her face, what happens if I do this. She is such a little explorer.

It is very surreal to look at pictures of Kaitlyn when she was just born and only a few months old and look at how much she has grown and changed. It's already hard to believe she was ever that small when you see a newborn! I had to put away most of her 12 month clothes because she is too long in the torso so they are really stretching to cover her or the head holes were too small and she would SCREAM when you were trying to get them on and off.

Kaitlyn still likes her bath time. She likes the pool (as long as it's not too cold) either her little one in the back yard or a big pool. We took her out on the boat a few weeks ago and while she hated her life jacket she didn't mind the noise of the boat. I can't wait to take her to the beach next week for vacation!

Kaitlyn is growing up so fast! Every smile is precious she won't be this little for long! She is so much fun!