Growing every day...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Kaitlyn is now 16 months old.

She is talking more, both baby babble and actual talking. She will answer most yes and know questions. Do you want some juice? No, Do you want milk? Yes. Do you want to go to bed? Yeah and she heads up the stairs. Do you want more grapes? Yes. Do you want this book? No. This book? Yes

She sings some songs, twinkle twinkle, old macdonald, hop up jump in from Handy Manny. She LOVES to dance. Sometimes I think she is going to loose her mind she has such a good time dancing to the themes for Dora, Word World and Go Diego Go. She likes to dance to almost any music that comes on.

She has been paying very close attention to tv lately. She will sit and just watch a show, where before she would get bored after awhile. She listens to what they are doing on the show too. For example, yesterday she was watching dora and they were saying Shake Shake shake and she was doing the same thing they were doing on tv. She is a very smart little girl.

We are getting better with her paci. She doesn't use it for most of the day, she only really needs it if she gets upset about something or is getting ready to take a nap. I am currently working on getting Kaitlyn to leave her paci in her bed so that she doesn't see it all day and therefor doesn't miss it. So far it's working out well.

Kaitlyn knows the difference between the dogs now, she can point out Dilion, Tyler and Bailey. She loves to give them hugs but doesn't always love the kisses that she gets back. She is getting alot better with petting gently and loving on the dogs. They love their Kaitlyn too.

Kaitlyn now has a real pillow in her bed instead of a boppy. She seems to like it and doesn't miss her boppy. We got her a little travel pillow, it's very sweet to see she snuggles up and falls right to sleep.

Kaitlyn will give you kisses and hugs and blow kisses. She waves hello and good bye. She says HI, bye, when you aske her to say night night she says bye bye. She says dis (this) and dat (that), yes, no, pop (lollipop), kitty kat, woof (dog), she will say boo, moo and quack, choo choo. She says something that sounds like Peek-a-boo and very clearly says I see you. She will mimick alot of things you say including I love you. Which is my personal favorite.

Kaitlyn is growing up very quickly. She loves to play with her baby dolls and pat them and feed them and push them in the stroller. She likes to play with little people and this weekend started to play with choo choos and ask for them. She still loves her kitchen and books. She is starting to like puzles and loves the ball with the shapes that fit inside.

I think I say this every time I update but Kaitlyn is very smart and super sweet! I love that little girl!