Growing every day...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pictures from the trip to Ohio

Kaitlyn and Daddy at the Splash Park in Ohio.

Click the picture below to view the whole album

July 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What does the Doggie say?

Kaitlyn is starting to really interact with the world around her. She picks up on little things that you tell her and ask her. She understands little things, like "can you bring that to mommy", "Show daddy the ducky" and she will do it.

The newest things are:
Kaitlyn what does a doggie say? She will make a noise like blowing air that is definitely "woof woof".
She will also mimic the inflection in your voice and copy you when you say "I love you". Just about melted my heart tonight when Shaun and Kaitlyn did a demonstration tonight.

Our little girl is AWESOME!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Baby's First Road Trip

Kaitlyn went on her first real road trip this 4th of July. We went to Ohio to visit some family that I haven't seen in about 9 or 10 years. It was really nice to get to see all of them and to let Kaitlyn get to know her Mommom Betty & Poppop Fred. Poppop Fred was her BUDDY! She would randomly wander into his office and climb into his lap where they would talk and talk.

Kaitlyn did very well on the 9 hour drive! We had snacks and drinks and DVDs to keep her entertained and we left after dinner on the way out so she slept most of the ride. We left around 4 on the way back which was a little rough because Kaitlyn was awake for more of the ride, she was also very congested and didn't sleep very well. Overall she did very well and is no worse for the wear.

The 4th of July was right we went to Cousin Kathy's farm and got to go on hayride, see the cows babies and all. See the bunny and lots of cats and swim in the pool. Kaitlyn is such a good girl she really just goes with the flow in any situation we throw her into!

Thanks to everyone who made this trip what it was. I would like to do this trip again when Kaitlyn is old enough to remember. Shaun and I had a great time too!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Check up

Kaitlyn had her one year check up on Tuesday she is 18lbs 14oz, 28 3/4
inches and her head is 18".

She only "grew" 3/4 of an inch so we had to measure her twice they
think they might have measured wrong last time because she was so tall
and grew 2 inches from her 6 month check up. That was the only big

She is 10-25% in weight 25-50% in height and her head is in the
50-70%. Dr. V says she is fine very well proportioned.

We can start giving her whole milk, she can have honey and if there
are times when she doesn't want to eat as her growth slows down that
is fine.

Kaitlyn is saying hi, uh-oh, no, mama, dada, sit down, dis (this as
she points), dat (that when pointing), she copies what you say dog,
tree etc but hasn't started to say them on her own. She has started to
say something that sounds like apple or abba not sure what that is.

She is running everywhere and has started to climb things and knows to
turn around and go backwards when getting down. She's getting so big
and so smart! She plays with her toys really well and likes for us to
play with her.

She is so awesome! Love that little monkey!